About Us
The Selma Cemetery District is a Public Cemetery that was formed in 1926. It was founded under the Health and Safety Code. The District includes approximately 12,700 acres. It is located in central Fresno County and includes the City of Selma.
The District is governed by a five-member Board of Directors, appointed by the Board of Supervisors for a four year term. The Board of Directors and the District follow the rules of the Brown Act.
The District currently has 3 Cemeteries: Floral Memorial Park, North Cemetery and the West Cemetery (Formally known as the Woodman and then the Odd Fellow Cemetery). The district no longer buries in the North Cemetery with the exception of our Baby Land. The Floral Memorial Park is currently at 90%. The District is looking to purchase another section of land.
Public Cemetery Districts finance their services through property tax, the sale of interment rights, charges for opening and closing of the ground, outer burial containers, disinterments, and setting of markers.
Selma Cemetery District is an Endowment Care District. The purpose of Endowment Care funds is to provide for future maintenance and care of the cemetery.